Volume 1 Number 1 |
WINTER 1995 |
Japan - Art into Function: Faret Tachikawa urban development
Australia - Reaching Inside Metal Sculpture: Ron Robertson-Swann - Noel Hutchinson
China - Sui Jianguo and the Sculptural Dilemma - Susan Dewar
New Zealand - Into the Forest Landscape: Chris Booth at Grizedale Sculture Park - Edward Lucie-Smith
Taiwan - Growing up and Moving On: Taiwan Sculpture - Jason S.T. Kuo
China - From Tradition to Modernity: China's road to modern sculpture - Bruce Doar and Susan Dewar
Singapore/Australia/Hong Kong - The Art Fair Connection: Sculpture at the regional Art Fairs - Ian Findlay
Reviews - Australia, China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, the United States, Vietnam
Sculptor At Work/Hong Kong - Ha Bik Chuen - Photography: Stephen Cheung; Text: Melaine Pong
Volume 1 Number 2 |
SPRING 1995 |
Australia - A Master of Metal Parts: Robert Klippel - Susan McCulloch
United States - The Pope of Pop Art Sculpture: George Segal - Roland Hagenberg
The Philippines - The Essence of Form: excerpt from ART Philippines - Alice Guillermo
Australia - Point to Heaven: Akio Makigawa - David Broomfield
England/Hong Kong - Taking on the Environment: Stephen Vince - Ian Findlay
England - In An English Country Garden: Goodwood Sculpture Park - Cherry Barnett
United States/Japan - Notes From a Studio: Ikuyo Higuchi - Joan Lebold Cohen
Japan - Art Fair Connection: NICAF'95 - Ian Findlay
Reviews - China, Hong Kong, Japan, the Philippines, Taiwan, the United States
Sculptor at Work/The Philippines - Reynato Paz Contreras - Photography: Liongoren Gallery; Text: Ian Findlay
Volume 1 Number 3 |
SUMMER 1995 |
The Philippines - Coloring Humanity: Clifford Espinosa - Ruben D.F. Defoe
France - Twists and Turns: Bernar Venet - John Millichap
Taiwan - An Exacting Journey: Lai Chi-Man - Larry D.Lutchmansingh
Australia - Sculpture States: Word Perfect - Roland Hagenberg
Cambodia - Preserving The Past: Preah Khan conservation project - John Sanday
Hong Kong - The Art Fair Connection: Art Trend's 95
Reviews - China, Australia, Hong Kong, India, Taiwan, the United States
Sculptor At Work/The Philippines - Julie Lluch - Photography: D.F.Defoe; Text: Joey de Vera
Volume 1 Number 4 |
AUTUMN 1995 |
United States - A Noguchi Legacy: Isamu Noguchi's site specific sculpture - Collette Chattopadhay
England/Japan - The Liberator of Sculptural Space: Anthony Caro retrospective at Tokyo's Metropolitan Museum of Modern Art - John Millichap
United States - Sculpted Apprehensions: Louise Bourgeois - Roland Hagenberg
Australia - Metal Tales of Mystery and Perculiar Things: Rosalie Gascoigne, Inge King, Bronwyn Oliver and Shona Nunan - Susan McCulloch and Anna Clabburn
Taiwan/Japan - The Sage of Natural Energy: Ju Ming retrospective at Hakone Sculpture Park - Ian Findlay
Japan - Into the Mountains and up to the Sky: Hakone and Utsukushi-Ga-Hara Sculpture Parks - Ian Findlay
United States - Colored Space: Jerry Peart - Dennis Adrian
China/United States - A Studio Visit with Zhang Peili - Joan Lebold Cohen
United States - Longing and Belonging: SITE: Santa Fe - Collette Chattopahyay
Italy - Sculpting The Biennale: Venice Biennale 1995 - Helga Lasschuyt
Singapore - The Art Fair Connection: Tresors 1995 - Ian Findlay
Reviews - Australia, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Thailand, the United States.
Sculptor at Work/Hong Kong - Terence Lee - Photography: Lindsay Shepherd: Text: John Millichap